There are a bunch of ladies that I will miss terrible when we move. These ladies made Colorado a wonderful place to live. They included me, were my friends, my shoulder to cry on, my companions, my family away from family. The ways these ladies blessed my life is so cherished. I hope each of them knows how much they mean to me.
Annette Seaver. She was the first one to welcome me to the area. She, like me has a daughter with BPD, and oh the connection we made. It was so wonderful to finally have someone who got it. Someone who understood exactly what I was going through, who felt how I felt and who was willing to cry and laugh with me. I have never met anyone who was so willing to give and give and give, even when they had nothing left inside to give. What a wonderful lady. She has meant to world to me. She came into my life at a time when I really needed her, and I hope I was able to help her the same.
Lang Fender - She was my first visiting teacher, along with Jen. She always came. She always had time for me. She was so down to earth and so caring. She was always willing to help no matte what I needed, sewing, cooking, cleaning -- she was and is a wonderful friend. She moved a year before me, but we still love and miss her. |
Jen Anderson - My other visiting teacher and great friend. Jen is so outgoing and everyone likes her. She has a way of putting everyone at ease, maybe because she isn't afraid to laugh at herself. She was always willing to listen, to go to lunch, to cheer me up, to craft, to care. There was a time I think I was ready to sink into despair and she was the one to pull me out of that. She truly cared and it made all the difference. I will miss her stories, her laugh, just her! |
Anne Snider - What an unlikely friend she was. And our friendship is all due to her. We didn't have a lot in common. I'm Mormon, she's not. I like meat, she's vegan, I have kids, she has dogs. But in spite of our differences she reached out to me, and kept our friendship going. We went to museums, ballets, concerts, lunch, dinner, etc. We crafted together, she showed me how to make cards. She is such an inspiration to me. I've always stuck in my own little shell, and here she was reaching out to others to include them, and boy did we become friends. I will miss out outings, our talks, our breakfasts, our friendship. Thank you Anne for making me your friend. |
Kelli Rapp, Linda Jury, Julye Cox - These three ladies were such a hoot. We crafted a lot together and became friends. Lunches as well. Julye was the first to welcome me to the neighborhood. I got to visit teach Kelli - lucky me she moved back to Utah. Linda I got to know through Crafting. She is a true Texan, and boy I loved her drawl. These ladies made life so enjoyable. Thanks for the talks, the lunches, the good times. |
Laura Shouldice - My next door neighbor. What a wonderful lady. She was the one Makae always ran too when she fell apart, and in spite of it all -she understood through it all and still was a great friend. The mother to my boys as well. She would do anything for anyone. She became my visiting teaching partner and my dear friend. If something was going on at home, she was the one I could depend on. What a sweet, sweet lady. What a true christlike person. She will be greatly missed. |
Shannon Bartholomew - I became her visiting teacher, and through a funny connection we connected. She and Jen were my go to girls. Lunch, talking, crafting, visiting. No one was as good as Shannon at putting things in perspective. She was the sweetest mean person I knew. She always said she had little tolerance for needy(not people in need) people, but she sure was good at being good to them anyways. I will miss her a lot and I hope she enjoys Snow white. I will miss her stinking cute kids too! |
Valerie Hall - My neighbor and friend. Mostly through crafting, and card group and church did I get to know her, but she would go out of her way to help you. She is such a talented person. Her wood creations are fantastic, not to mention the things she does in her house, her own cabinet tops. And the cutest little girls ever. Thanks for your friendship. |
Jennie McFarland- this one isn't too bad to miss, because guess what - she moved to Utah and to Morgan!!!! yep. We met each other in South Weber when out kids became friends. When she moved to Colorado it was nice to meet her again. When I found out she was moving to Morgan I couldn't believe it. We will have to get together there. |
Darlene Martin - What a terrific lady. This wonderful woman taught me a lot about seeing people for who they are. She is not your typical Mormon, and yet she has such a love of the gospel and for people in general. Her hugs and her excitement for life are very contagious. She took on the world and although it gave her a ride she has stayed on. She is such an example to me and I love her to death. Thank you for you love, your sisterhood and your example. |
Elena Acker - Our boys were best friends and that made us friends. She us such a gracious lady. Always willing to help, always a smile. Smart lady too. She treated my Ethan as one of her own, and I know he could be a pain. Determined is a good word for her too. Not everyone would go on trek with a shot leg. What an example to me. Thanks for your friendship. |
Heather Yancey - Friendship through crafting, and cooking, and kids. She was always a quiet lady but such talent and care for others. She was always willing to help. I really admired how happy she was how together she was. She was always very kind to me and I am so glad I got to know her. Thanks you for your friendship. |
Audrie Copple - When I first met Audrie I didn't think we would have much in common. She was young, put together and quite pretty. I was middle aged, dowdy and far from put together. She became my visiting teacher and her caring came through. I love this lady. She gave me perspective in my life that I would never have been able to find on my own. She gave me hope when I had lost a lot of it. She was always there when I needed her, and I found the more I knew her the more she was just normal like me, only put together. ;) Thank you for all of your support, you caring and your friendship. |
Brittany Vinton - I first knew her through Makae, she was one of her leaders and in spite of her issues she loved her. She was so good with her. Then we became friends through card group and crafting, and finally through being in primary and then she became my visiting teacher. Her husband was great with my boys. She was always so positive and showed such caring for others. I am so glad we got to be friends and for the memories we have. Thanks for your friendship. |
Even though I don't know how often I will see these ladies in the future, I hope they know that they really influenced my life for the best. Each of them left me a better person and each of them made me welcome and loved in Colorado. They make it hard to leave!!!